Description: Ypacarai Lake is completely contaminated and eutrophicated due to the discharge of industrial in its afluents. Several of the strategies to mitigate the contaminant effects have failed. This working line consist in developing software to simulate the Ypacarai lake dynamics.

In this work, we develop wosfware tools to udertand the Ypacarai Lake dynamic in order to analyze scenarios of possible contaminations, as well as, several setrategies to mitigate its effects.
Wind influence analysis on a nonreactive pasive scalar transport. Ypacarai Lake case. . 

Objetive: To develop a computational toolto analize the distribution of a contaminant in the lake.    

  •  Oporto, L.; Ramírez, D.A.; Varela, J.D.; Schaerer, C.E.; CONDITIONS ON THE SURFACE OF A SHALLOW LAKE. In: XXII Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones - ENIEF 2016, 2016 Ciudad de Córdoba - Argentina. --. 2016.
  • Oporto, L.; Ramírez, D.A.; Varela, J.D.; Schaerer, C.E.; WIND EFFECTS ON CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT IN SHALLOW LAKES. In: XXXVI Ibero-Lan American Congress on Computaonal Methods in Engineering, 2015 Rio de Janeiro Proceedings of XXXVI Ibero-Lan American Congress on Computaonal Methods in Engineering.
  • 2015.
  • Oporto, L., Ramírez, D., Varela, J., & Schaerer, C. (2016). Estudio de la influencia del viento en el flujo de un lago poco profundo a partir de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes en 2D. In XXIV Jornadas Jóvenes Investigadores - AUGM (2016), Sao Pedro, Sao Paulo, Brasil.


  • Oporto, L.&Ramírez, D. (2016). Análisis de la influencia del viento en el transporte de un escalar pasivo no reactivo acoplado a las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes en 2D. Caso: Lago Ypacarai. Tesis (Ing. Quim.). San Lorenzo, PY: Carrera de Ingeniería Química. FCQ. UNA. 85 p.


Case 1: Simulation with no wind effect

Case 2: